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Author and syndicated columnist Tom Blake is one the most knowledgeable experts on finding love after 50 in America. He has been a newspaper columnist on the topic for 24 years, having written more than 3,800 articles and newsletters. Tom’s bio reveals how he has gained his extensive knowledge on dating and finding love after 50.


If you are a widower, widow, divorced woman or man, a senior single, or you’ve never been married, and you seek advice, you have landed on the right website. Married seniors often read Tom’s advice as well. Many say that learning about the hardships singles age 50-plus face makes them appreciate their spouses.  Others may not be happy in their marriage and wonder what the other side of the fence looks like.


Are you lonely? Want to find a mate? Want advice? Find answers on this website and from Tom's weekly free eNewsletter.

Expert Guidance on Finding Love After 50


Welcome to Tom Blake’s Finding Love After 50 Website. Tom Blake has written more than 3,800 newspaper articles and newsletter columns on the topic of dating and finding love after 50 over the last 24 years. John Gray, author of Men Are From Mars. Women Are From Venus, says, “Tom Blake is an expert on dating after 50.”


Singing legend Johnny Cash endorsed Tom’s first book, Middle Aged and Dating Again, by stating: “In the 20 years I have known Tom Blake, he has becomes an authority on dating and relationships.” Check out Tom’s bookstore on this website.


Tom is the source where older singles, ages 50, 60, 70 and 80+, go for information on finding love after 50. He has made multiple appearances on the Today Show and Good Morning America. He has been a speaker and panelist at AARP national events. To view Tom’s videos of those national TV appearances, click here.


In February, 2016, Tom’s “On Life and Love after 50” article was added to a syndicate of six (Chester, York, Dauphin, Lebanon, Cumberland, Lancaster) newspapers in Pennsylvania, called, “50 plus Life ( His articles run bi-monthly in those publications.


On this website, you will find complimentary newspaper and newsletter articles. You can find romantic travel articles and you can sign up for his weekly complimentary On Life and Love After 50 eNewsletter.


Tom writes an On Life and Love After 50 column for a syndicate of newspapers in Southern California called "Picket Fence Media.," which includes the Dana Point Times, San Clemente Times and The Capistrano Dispatch (San Juan Capistrano). If you have questions or stories you’d like to ask or share with Tom, email him HERE. Tom will personally respond, not a secretary in his office, because he has no secretary in his office. Tom is a multi-tasking one-person company.

On Life & Love After 50 eNEWSLETTER


Every Friday, Tom Blake emails the On Life and Love After 50 Newsletter to thousands of widowed, divorced, single and never married people across the United States, Canada, and in many foreign countries. The newsletter’s mission is to help, inform, entertain, and inspire men and women ages 50+ to get through the maze of dating again later in life. It's funny, serious, insightful, sometimes controversial and written from the man's point-of-view.


Tom is a published author and syndicated columnist in Southern California. He has written more than 3,800 

columns on the topics of dating, relationships and finding love after 50. John Gray, the author of “Men Are From Mars. Women Are From Venus,” says “Tom Blake is an expert on dating after 50.” 


He is the author of several relationship books and ebooks, which are featured on this top rated “love after 50” website in the world.


Topics include how to find a mate, Internet dating, living together vs. remarrying, protecting your assets and your heart, dating younger men, dating younger women, recognizing red flags, avoiding scams, dating widowers  and widows, where to go to meet potential mates, dating when one of the partner’s spouse’s has Alzheimer’s Disease, and an endless number of other subjects.


People who receive this newsletter are encouraged to share their stories, opinions, and questions, which Tom often includes in his articles. Tom calls his subscribers Champs. “Why Champs?” people ask. Tom says it is because that’s what they are: Champs.


Our members are an elite group. They are intelligent, experienced and witty. They’ve lived life and walked the walk. The average age of subscribers is in their mid 60s. However, many are in their 70s and 80s and many others are in their 50s.


This is not a date matching newsletter; it is strictly for information about senior dating and living life.



There is no cost to subscribe. No obligations whatsoever. Under no circumstances do we share your email address. If you decide the newsletter is not your cup of tea, you can stop receiving it with one click.


One of the benefits of subscribing is your ability to communicate directly with Tom. Ask a question via email and you will get a personal answer from him, not from a staff member or an assistant because he doesn’t have anyone working for me. He does the research, writes the articles, answers the email, and does his own bookkeeping and accounting. Just one idea, or one article, or one suggestion, could save you from being scammed or could lead you to meet a potential mate.


Tom’s Champs are loyal, many have been with Tom for 17 years or more.


To start receiving the newsletter by email on Friday, enter your name, email address and city and state here:

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